Eino Krohn

Artist(s):Unto Koistinen Date:1962 Medium:oil on canvas Dimensions:92 x 73 cm

Eino Krohn (1902–1987) served as Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Turku in 1959–1969. Krohn’s extensive body of work covers several studies on literature and aesthetics, including Surmaava Eros – Aino Kallaksen kirjailijankuva (1953) and the essay collection Käännekohtia (1967). His magnum opus is Draaman estetiikka, published in 1946.

Krohn’s friends, students and colleagues wanted to have a portrait of the professor painted when he turned 60, as was the tradition. Krohn chose his friend, artist Unto Koistinen (1917–1994), as the portraitist. Known as a painter and a graphic artist, Koistinen studied at the Central School of Applied Arts in the 1930s and at the School of the Fine Arts Academy of Finland in the mid-1940s. He represented Finland at the 1958 Venice Biennale and received the Pro Finlandia Medal in 1963. He was awarded the title of Professor in 1970. Koistinen is particularly remembered for his depictions of people – women, in particular. In his self-portraits, he often portrayed himself in different roles, for example, as a lion in reference to his zodiac sign, Leo. The gentle blues of Krohn’s portrait are exemplary of Koistinen’s ascetic palette, in which colours fade until there is only a hint of them left.

Emma Vuolaslempi 2024

Ammondt, Jukka. “Eino Krohn.” Suomalainen estetiikka 1900-luvulla, ed. Oiva Kuisma, 113–161. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2002.

Koskinen, Mirva, ed. Silmin nähden. Taideteoksia Turun yliopiston arkkitehtuurissa – Art in Architecture at the University of Turku. Turku: University of Turku, 1997.

Uimonen, Anu. “Unto Koistinen.” Helsingin Sanomat, 9 May 1994. https://www.hs.fi/muistot/art-2000002625150.html.

Valkonen, Olli. “Unto Koistinen 1917–1994.” Unto Koistinen, ed. Pirkko Tuukkanen, 15–50. Helsinki: Finnish Art Society, 1997.